Things Cats Hate about Halloween

Many of us love Halloween. Do our pets love it too? Well, some do and some don’t. Here are some top things that pets hate – from the mouths of pets themselves.

Doorbells. That darn doorbell rings and rings. My slaves answer it, thankfully they don’t let the intruders inside, so I don’t have to bail to the back room.

Scary Costumes. Ugly, evil-looking things keep coming to the door. I’ve never seen anything like it…

Screaming Kids, weird music and Sounds. If the noise and the costumes aren’t bad enough, there are screaming kids to contend with. Screaming children chanting little rhymes that only a mother must be able to admire. Just go away and leave me alone. Makes me want to hide under the doona and try and sleep this nightmare away.

Black Cats. This holiday is a real bummer if you are a black cat. I have never done anything bad and some people think there is some demon quality in me during Halloween.

I Don’t Get Treats. On top of it all, there is an abundance of candy going from hand to hand, chocolate, candy bars, and goodies that would make even the fussiest of eaters cry for. And I don’t get any. None. How Rude!

Jack-O-lanterns and Candles. Weird shadows on walls and total ambiance of ghostliness. It would not surprise me if Casper came out of the walls and said boo! I’de probably have kittens.

Just you humans wait until Cats Rule this world…

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