Halloween Cat Stories

Halloween is right around the corner! Are you excited?

Spooky pet stories or coincidences are a common subject around Halloween. Have you got any spooky cat stories? Check out these stories; they are great to share after it gets dark. Read more here.

Cats. You rarely see a witch without a black cat. The Halloween black cat is always in a fear-provoking position, with back arched, fur on end and eyes glittering. For thousands of years, they have been regarded as mysterious creatures with supernatural powers and were associated with witches and death. It was believed that witches could change into cats; in fact, they could make that change nine times. Some people believed that cats were the spirits of the dead. The cat’s pupils – narrow slits in the daytime, but luminous globes at night – linked him to the moon and emphasized his ability to see into the future.

Here is a great Halloween Story to tell about the Phantom Cat.

The Phantom Cat

Cats crave routine, which is why so many people report seeing ghostly apparitions at specific times. A cat may return at the same time as her feeding, or at the time she expects her owner to return from work. Sometimes a cat is just not ready to say goodbye.

One story tells how a cat was taken to a veterinary office, where she was diagnosed with feline leukemia. The cat was put to sleep, and the grieving owners prepared to donate the cat’s carrier and other belongings to the local shelter.

The owners put the cage and personal belongings of the cat in the back seat. As they began driving, the woman felt a familiar presence – then she heard a familiar “meow.” She looked in the rearview mirror and saw her tabby, sitting in her carrier. The woman slammed on the brakes.

Her husband looked back and saw the tabby clearly – no ghostly apparition, the cat looked like flesh and blood. The couple looked at one another – was it possible that their cat somehow made it out of the vet’s office and into the car – even after getting the fatal injection?

The cat didn’t answer. She meowed again, and looked at them expectantly. Guilt-stricken and not knowing what else to do, they drove back to the vet’s office, talking in soothing tones. The cat laid down in the carrier and appeared to go to sleep. The couple looked at each other again, but when they turned back to their tabby, she was gone.

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